So I saw a few people starting blogs and I thought that it might be a good idea for me to start as well. Going on 16 weeks pregnant, I'm experiencing a lot, and want to be able to look back and remember it all. Why not just write in a journal? The same reason people keep digital pictures instead of printed ones these days... not to mention my hands swell frequently and make it difficult to write for an extended period of time.
Today, I woke up, went straight to work, came home and went straight to our second "baby doctor appointment." It seemed kind of silly to me once it was all said and done... we were in and out in a total of 20 minutes. The midwife told me my lab results from my last visit, asked me if we wanted to get a test to tell us whether our child was at risk for things like Downs (more on that in a minute) and then we heard the baby's heartbeat. Going strong at 152 bpm! It brings such a smile to my face hearing that little flutter.
Now more on this little "test." Dean and I had both automatically agreed that we didn't want it done. The probability of the doctors coming back and saying there was a chance for this or a chance for that, and then us being sent around from doctor to doctor all for a chance of something just seemed like too much. Not to mention the fact that we would be totally worried until May over something that was just a chance! Whether our child is born with a congenital disorder or not, we will love him or her for the rest of our lives. We are going to take care of them, so truly what does it matter? Dean and I will take on that issue if we ever come it. It just made me feel so reassured when Dean and I agreed on it so quickly. In fact, it might be the first time we have ever both answered a question with the same answer. Neither of us had to be talked into or out of our decision. It makes me so excited to be sharing this journey with him.
Well, after the appointment I came home, had a little meal, and have been watching movies and taking care of a sick turtle ever since. Yes, I said that correctly, a sick turtle. Don't ask.