So, Friday I had a doctor appointment. My 40 Week doctor appointment more specifically.
Once again, I meant to update ON Friday, but things got busy quick.
So on Friday, I hadn't gained any weight, my blood pressure was good, no protein in my urine, and the midwife FINALLY checked me.
Drum Roll Please!
I was all of 1 cm dilated and not even 25% effaced. Awesome. (Sarcasm)
So of course, the midwife tells me she wants us back by next Wednesday (two days from now) so we can schedule my induction. Super. (More sarcasm)
The weekend was a busy one.
My Mom came down to visit and stayed with us, and it was SO nice having her here. I don't get to see her that much, so having her here for two days was really really nice.
We went out to dinner Saturday night to Ruby's so, I got to see a bunch of girls from work and hand out some Thank You cards, and... experienced my first contractions!
Well, they were Braxton Hicks contractions, but they still HURT.
So Sunday, we got up and Dean's parents came down to visit us as well. All of us piled in some cars and headed to the Antietam Battlefields.
On the way there, at about 2:30 I had a contraction. The first of many for that day.
We got to the battlefields and literally walked around for about two and a half hours, and I was having what seemed to be regular contractions, anywhere from 2-4 minutes apart. We loaded up and headed home, so we could get ready to call the midwife and head to the hospital.
When I did get home, the contractions were still coming on, and coming on STRONG, so Dean called the midwife right away, and she told us to come in whenever.
Since no one had eaten all day, I made everyone sit down and eat dinner (I figured if this was it, no one would eat for quite a while, including myself), and finished packing the hospital bag.
We got to the hospital at about 6:15, and I was in my gown talking to nurses at 6:30.
When the midwife checked me when I first got there, she said I was about 2 cm dilated, and about 50% effaced, and a -2 station. Awesome. (SUPER sarcasm)
From there, they had me up and walking the halls for about an hour. After that, they put me back on the monitors for about a half hour to check my contractions and the baby's heart rate.
Another half hour of walking, I was back on the monitors again, and a different midwife came in and checked me to determine if I was to be admitted or sent home.
Somehow, in the time that I was there I got further away from where I need to be.
When she checked me, I was 1.5 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and a -3 station.
For those of you that skipped health class, I need to be 10 cm dilated, 100% effaced and a +2 station in order to deliver.
So after 4 hours of being in the hospital, I was sent home with the diagnosis of False Labor.
Why didn't they just induce me then?
Because apparently inducing a woman before 41 weeks (and more like closer to 42) leads to more chance of a c-section, which the midwives are seriously against (because they don't do them. They aren't actually licensed to do them) and I'm not a fan either.
So Wednesday I have an appointment. I'll get weighed, blood pressure checked, cervix checked, baby will have his heart beat listened to, and Dean and I will talk with the midwife and schedule my induction.
The plus side to having a scheduled induction, is that family will know and be able to make their plans accordingly. The downfall, is that Dean and I won't get to experience the "it's time!" moment and call everyone and have that rush of adrenaline lot of people get. But that's okay. Maybe next time.
We (I) did learn a few things (10 more specifically) from this experience however...
1. I DEFINITELY want my Mom there. She just knew how to make me feel better each time I was "having a contraction"
2. Contractions (even BH) hurt. Like woah. BUT, in between, there is a calm a small calm, but a definite calm.
3. BEFORE even calling the midwife, be sure the contractions are in fact regular. Not 2 minutes, then 4, then 6, then 4... that's a true sign of false labor. We were just too anxious to realize it.
4. Dean is going to be very interesting when it's really time. He had the nurses laughing one minute and was incredibly quiet the next... at least he's something to keep my mind focused on instead of the pain.
5. We will most definitely NOT inform ANYONE what's going on until I'm admitted. I HATED having our parents just sitting there, waiting, just to turn around and go home 4 hours later. I felt (and still feel) REALLY stupid even going in the first place... which leads me to my next point.
6. IF unsure whether it's real vs false labor, take a minute, relax and turn to google. Seriously. There are so many websites that clearly laid out that what I was experiencing was false labor, and had I just calmed down for a minute to look, we wouldn't have wasted all that time.
7. Only you know your body best. If you can handle it, don 't let others scare you or talk you into thinking you can't. Don't let anyone call the doctor until YOU are absolutely sure you need to.
8. Eat and drink something (small). Either way, it will help. If it's false labor, you won't have many if any contractions after doing so. I didn't but just didn't realize it. If it's real labor, you A- probably won't want to eat OR will barely be able to eat and B- will need that little bit of energy if you're going to be staying at the hospital until the little one arrives. Water can only do so much.
9. Where is the pain? Low? All over? It's important to note that.
10. Track contractions very specifically. When they start. How long they are. When they end. How intense they are. What you're doing when it happens. Seriously. False labor will cease with a lack of activity. True labor will not. False labor, contractions will be all over the place, true labor, they will be continual, steady, definite. Lay down and track for an hour before calling the doctor. If you're laying down and they continue, and get closer, and more intense, you're probably experiencing actual labor. I was walking and climbing the WHOLE time. That's why I was experiencing so many.
Sorry this post got to be a little lengthy. BUT!
Now everyone knows exactly what's going on with me.
I'm going to go eat some FRESH strawberries my Momma brought me now... Be Jealous.
Expect an update on Wednesday!