So my boy started rolling over sometime last week.
Actually. A week ago exactly.
And I'm FREAKING out.
How could my two month old be rolling over already?!
Not only that, but he can hold his head up completely straight like woah. I mean seriously. Take a look see.
*Picture credit: Karen Leigh Studios. She's my MIL. Check her shit out. She's amazeballs behind a camera. Seriously.*
Every time I put him on his tummy, he gives me a smile like, "Woah Mom. I totally got this"
Then he rolls over to watch me get all excited, and once I put him back he's all, "PUH-LEASE. Check this out" and starts trying to crawl.
That's right.
He actually got himself up on his knees the other day and I started seriously freaking and I think he was like, "ok. Maybe it's too much too soon for my old lady. Better settle down a bit" and he went back down to roll over.
He's also fabulous at standing.
Fabulous as in, hubby and I just keep index fingers on him for balance. He does the rest.
Check it:
He's all about his exer-saucer since I fixed it and have it at his height.
He's also all about checking out EVERYTHING. And when certain things catch his attention, he's hooked.
Certain things like Batman.
We watched The Dark Knight at the in-laws the other day. This is him watching the movie:
Yeah. He wouldn't take his eyes off it.
It's pretty ridiculous.
I'm pretty sure he's going to be a combination of like Sheldon Cooper (insert we LOVE Big Bang Theory here.. like so much we sing Soft Kitty as a lullaby), and some crazy amazing Olympian.
So obviously...
The force is strong with this one.