Today you are three months old.
Three. Months. Old.
Time is moving way too fast for me. I just want it to stop or slow down at least a little, but I know that's asking too much.
You are such an active little boy. When you're not moody because you're sleepy or hungry, you are the happiest, most curious baby I've ever seen.
Forget sitting anywhere for too long. You always want to be on the go and checking things out.
Your activity gym I just bought you? You're SO over that. You'll still try to make me happy by laying in it and checking things out, but just like clockwork, 5 minutes in and you're over it.
Dad and I just recently bought you a Bumbo too. I'm pretty sure you love it. When we sit you in it, and keep our hands off, you have the biggest grin. Almost like you're telling us, "SEE?? I AM a big boy!" and it's totally adorable.
At your doctor appointment last week, you measured in at 10 pounds, half an ounce and 22.5" long. Dr. Joe informed us that you have a mild case of Eczema, and an "intermediate" case of acid reflux. Basically, we just have to use special shampoo, body wash, and lotion on you, and keep you on more of an incline until the acid reflux grows out of you, I guess is the best way to put it.
You were also given three vaccines. Two shots and one by mouth.
The first shot, you seriously didn't even flinch. The second one? The one that "burns" as the nurse put it? You SCREAMED. And you screamed good.
And it broke both your Mommy's & your Daddy's heart.
But by the time we left the office, you were totally fine. Like nothing had even happened.
You're gonna be one kid I definitely won't have to soothe too much when you skin your knee.
You're gonna be one kid I definitely won't have to soothe too much when you skin your knee.
So let's see...
Your current likes are:
The Olympics (especially swimming events)
Your exersaucer
Laying on your changing table and smiling and talking up a storm... sometimes when you're just SO fussy for no reason, we go up and hang out on your changing table. It's weird, but you love it so I love it.
The bathtub. Still. You're like a fish. It's ridiculous.
Your fingers. We can't keep them out of your mouth. But that's alright. Drool and all we still love you.
Your fingers. We can't keep them out of your mouth. But that's alright. Drool and all we still love you.
Your current dislikes are:
Staying in one place for too long.
Sleeping anywhere besides my arms.
Me eating. (I swear you side eye me and give me evil looks every time I try and have a meal. Finger foods have become my best friend thanks to you.)
Tummy time. You learned to roll over from tummy to back and now it's like you find no reason to be placed on your tummy. You FREAK every time I try to initiate tummy time. You won't roll, you won't do anything but freak out until I pick you back up.
I think we are going to take you for your first trip to Ocean City next weekend. It's going to be so fun to get your toes in the sand and start a family tradition of going every summer.
Both your Daddy and I grew up going to Ocean City, and I want you to experience that as well.
Overall little boy, you grow and change every day and I love it. It's an amazing feeling I have watching you grow. When you were first born, I honestly didn't know how I could love anyone more than how much I loved you in that minute. But everyday I love you more and more.
Everyday you amaze me more and more.
I couldn't be more proud.
Your Mama.
And a quick look at how much you've grown since being born.
Five Minutes old
One Week Old
Two Weeks Old
Two Months Old
Three Months Old
Annddddd all the rest of the "3 Month" pictures I took of you this morning.
I love you Baby Boy.