Saturday, December 15, 2012


Obviously this is a little late AND I didn't finish the whole November Thankful thing. 

But life gets pretty crazy pretty quickly, and everyone should know that I'm more than thankful for everything and everyone in my life. Everyone that reads this blog, I'm thankful for you too, just so you know.

Now. My boy turned SEVEN months a few days ago, so, it's time for a monthly update.

Currently, Baby Dean is proficient at:

Sitting up alone
Rolling both ways
Shaking his head 'No' -- He's starting to understand the meaning too!
Go from crawling position to sitting position on his own
Pulling himself up to stand

He's working on:

His signs (I'm teaching him sign language)
Standing alone 
(GASP) Walking!

Baby Dean's current likes are:
Any food that goes in his mouth (except Avocado. That was the only one he refused to eat)
This new wooden train a friend recently gave him
Splashing in the bathtub
Getting tickles from Mommy & Daddy
Giving kisses
Crawling! He loves exploring the house!

Baby Dean's current dislikes are:
Being forced to stay in one room 
Having his face cleaned after he eats
Having his nose wiped (fighting a cold/teething)

Being a parent is the greatest thing I have ever been blessed with doing. 

It took me a while to compose myself to write about this, but I do best when I write my feelings out.

The tragedy that happened in Connecticut is one that, I hope, we as a nation will never have to endure again. But I know it will. 

Shootings in our schools and in public places are happening so frequently that it's almost "normal" to hear about. And what kind of world do we live in that it's NORMAL to hear about?!

Yesterday, 20 children lost their lives. 7 adults were also killed. I couldn't fathom being a parent that lost their child to this sick person.

Obviously talk starts about homeschooling, and gun control, but in reality, these shootings are happening anywhere and everywhere. In a shopping mall, in a church, in a movie theater. 

We can't protect our children from everything. We have to pray for peace, and love, and know that God is with us no matter where we go. 

Stricter gun laws, in my opinion will not help either. Criminals don't follow laws, hence they are called criminals. It's all over the internet: "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" 

I'm not going to go on a tirade about gun laws though.

I'm posting in memory of the 27 killed. 

I dread the day that Baby Dean's innocence to the world is over. When he starts to realize that not everyone out there is nice and friendly. That bad things happen. That there is racism, and bullying, and murders. Right now, we are all the same to him. And while I'll raise him to know that there are no differences in people based on race or gender or sexual preference, that we are all people, I know there are people out there that won't teach their children that. And my son will come across those people. But I know that my husband and I will build strong values into our children to know right from wrong, and trust in not only themselves, but God. We'll be okay. As a family, as a country. We'll be okay.

Sorry. Can't figure out how to turn the pictures. Perhaps in a future post ;)

Happy Saturday all.