I don't think there is anything more peaceful than a baby falling asleep on your chest.
Being able to take the time and look at the peacefulness that is that child just does something to you.
I don't think I say it enough, but I dread the day my baby grows up. I know it's going to happen. I know one day he will see the evil that is in this world, and his innocence is going to be stripped from him, and I HATE that. I hate that one day he may fear walking down a street because he is or is not like others.
Life is so short, and we take it for granted too often. I want to be sure that I never miss a moment of his childhood, and more importantly, that he never misses a moment of his childhood.
I remember wishing I was older so often when I was little, hating that I couldn't stay up all hours of the night, I couldn't drive, or go where I want.
I wish I could go back and smack me silly. Those were the days. I love my life now, and I don't want to change anything about it, except, letting my baby be little forever.
Just a thought for the day.