Friday, February 14, 2014

It's all in the Perspective

It's been like two weeks since I've blogged last. Mainly because I didn't know what I wanted to write about, partially because I've been so exhausted and didn't want to even lift a finger. 

And then, I saw a specific meme and quote running around Facebook and it really kind of angered me. Enough so that I wanted to write about it. 

Today, is Valentine's Day. 

The day of love and romance. 

When you're a kid, it's one of the best days EVER getting cards and candy from everyone in your class. 
Then, you move onto middle school and the cards stop, and couples begin. And it starts every girl's (because, seriously, guys could care less about Valentine's day) dream of having a perfect Valentine's day with the perfect guy and the perfect date, and so much romance your butt falls off. 

Up until 2007, I never had a "Valentine". Ever. 

And of course, it was upsetting, because that's the "most important thing ever" when you're at that age. Even when you get older. It's upsetting to have an entire day dedicated to love and romance when there isn't a specific person in your life you share love and romance with. 

So when I saw this meme on Facebook, shared by multiple people, it REALLY made me mad. 

This type of talk comes up frequently in today's society.

"You think YOU have it bad..."

Why? WHY in the world are we trying to take people's pain and make them feel as though it's stupid to feel that way? Why are we taking that away from people? 

What is this even saying anyway?! 

Some people don't have a mother on Mother's Day or a father on Father's Day....
As in people that have lost their parent suddenly compare their loss to love and romance on Valentine's Day. I'm don't know about you, but in the hundreds of years from now when I lose my parents (and I say hundreds of years because I never want to think about that) I WILL still celebrate that day. Not for me or my husband. But for my parents. Who brought me into the world and raised me. Just because they're gone doesn't mean I can't celebrate them. 

Saying something like this is like saying to a man who has just been kicked in the testicles "oh you think THAT hurts, well try giving birth!!"

It's COMPLETELY unrelated!!

Suddenly, because a man has never given birth, means that it shouldn't hurt when he's kicked in the most sensitive place on his body. NO! 

It's all in the perspective! 

In my raging pregnancy hormones, and after some mortifying moments with my toddler, I BROKE DOWN crying alone in my living room. It's SO hard having a toddler, that you're trying to teach to listen to you, and is constantly pushing his limits, and has started hitting and punching other children. This is the HARDEST thing in my life. 

But you know what?

I'm going to laugh at myself when I have TWO. Because suddenly that will seem like a breeze compared to constantly juggling two kids. 
But right now, in this perspective of my life, it's the hardest. And no one can change that. 

Maybe the most depressing thing some people are going through in their lives is not having a valentine on Valentine's day. And who are YOU to tell them they can't be sad about it?

So go on girl! (Or guy) 
Be sad! I'm sad for you too. 
My Valentine for the past 7 years has worked 6 out of the 7 Valentine's Days we've had together (and I'm sure with where he works, the trend will stay the same). I've learned that even though it may not happen ON Valentine's Day, there's still a special day we can (and usually do) celebrate our love for each other. 
((((AND PUH-LEAASSEEEE DO NOT get me started on the whole 'Valentine's Day is stupid, we love each other all year round!' Crap!! My husband and I love and show love all year round. Does that mean that it's not nice to have an extra day to celebrate it every year?! No. It's a fun day. Stop being so freaking bitter about it! Shut up and let people be mushy and happy and more in love for one day a year. Who's it hurting REALLY?!))))

So remember. The next time you want to compare apples to oranges or "one up" someone as it's commonly called, remember that it's all in the perspective of that person's life. What may seem simple and silly and stupid to you, may mean the world to them, so stop belittling someone's emotions.