Thursday, April 19, 2012

38 Weeks!

This morning, we had our 38 Week doctor appointment/check up.

Since last week...

Nothings changed. Well, a little bit has but not much...

I'm measuring right at 38 weeks (yay!)
I lost about 2 pounds -- 
(sitting on my butt for a week doing nothing but eating and I lose weight?! Mark that one in the record books! DOUBLE YAY!!)
Baby's Heartbeat is normal! (Yay for healthy baby!)
AND that's it!

No cervical check. No contractions, or water leak or break or ANYTHING!

I'm pretty positive we're in this for the long haul.

And that's okay, just getting a little on the... anxious/annoying side?

I like to compare what I'm feeling to taking a plane somewhere...

You are excited to get to your destination, heck, you're even somewhat excited to be 30,000 feet in the air and see the gorgeous sights! But for now, you're in the plane that's been moved to the runway. You have your seat in the complete upright position, and your seatbelt buckled. The flight attendants are sitting in their designated seats and strapped in, and you're waiting. Waiting for the pilot to finally throw on the engines and start moving. You know it's going to happen any minute, but you don't know which minute... you're leaving it all up to one person to start your journey. And the longer you wait, the more you just want to run to the cockpit and tell them to "get a move on!" and that you have places to be! But you can't. Instead, you just sit. And. Wait. 

So yeah. You get the idea. Very comparable to the last few weeks of pregnancy.

So here I am. Anxiously awaiting my little miracle. 

At least pregnancy looks good on me. Or So I like to think...

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