Thursday, June 7, 2012

This is going to get graphic... just a warning

The Birth Story

Part 1

It started on Friday, May 11, 2012 at 5:30 am.

I was quickly woken out of a dead sleep with contractions.

Dean was at work and my first thought was that he was going to have to go through this with no sleep. But, maybe not. Maybe it was false labor again. So I started timing.

For a full hour my contractions were 6 minutes apart. So I decided to make the call, and let Dean know he needed to come home early and get some sleep, that we would be having a baby this weekend.

Dean came home, and laid down to try and get some sleep, and I kept contracting, and timing. (Contraction timer apps on iPhones are SUPER).

Around 10 am, my contractions had jumped from 6 minutes apart to 2 minutes, and I was DYING. (I'd also like to add that the whole time I was contracting, I couldn't stay out of the bathroom. I was either throwing up, or going number two, which scared me each time, thinking I was going to have my baby in the toilet... terrible TV shows scaring innocent women.)

I woke Dean, told him it was time to call, and proceeded to work on finishing the hospital bag. My midwife group wanted me to come to the office first, so they could check me and see if it was worth going to the hospital at that point.

We went to the office, and after waiting what seemed like hours, (it was really only 10 minutes) the midwife came in, and checked me.

80% effaced, and still 1 cm

She could tell by looking at me though, that I was in definite labor. She told me to go home for a few hours, walk around, get everything ready, and then head to the hospital. In the meantime, she was going to call the midwife at the hospital, and let them know I'd be in and to expect me.

So we went home. We made the "It's Time" phone calls, and I went to lay down and suffer through a few more hours of contractions, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Around 2:30, I decided I had waited long enough and we made our way to the hospital. By the time we got there, I could barely walk.

I. Was. Miserable.

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