Baby Dean,
Well. You're four months old now and still growing like a weed. When we went to the doctor on the 12th, you were 24 inches long, and 11 pounds, 10 ounces.
You can now:
roll from tummy to back
roll from back to tummy
fully support yourself standing (you only need us for balance)
sit up on your own
play with toys
and so much more...
We tried Rice cereal for the first time yesterday, and you are NOT a fan.
Our pediatrician said she wanted us to wait until you were 5 months, but you've been going through this stint of nursing every 2 hours, day AND night, for a good two-three weeks now and, well, I need sleep, so we're going to start just a little early.
Now, this is coming to you a little late because we've had a loss in the family. Your great-granny, (My grandmother) has passed away.
It's difficult to go through the emotions of this, but I think everyone in the family is dealing... in their own way nonetheless.
Your great granny and your great pappy were married for 61 years. They had 5 children, 8 grandchildren, 2 step-grandchildren, and 6 great grandchildren with one on the way (by the way you have a cousin due to arrive sometime in March... but more on that another time).
The love that Granny had for all of us was unconditional. She'd do anything for us and was proud of all that we did. She was the best grandmother to grace this earth, and we were all blessed to be loved by her.
Just know that she will be watching you always and loved you very much, even in the short 4 months she knew you.
You helped me and a lot of family members get through this week of saying good-bye to such a great lady. Your smile brightens the world around you, just remember that.
I love you baby boy.
Your Momma.
and one hilarious outtake:
In Loving Memory:
Nadine B. Sadler
08.16.1934 - 09.11.2012