Monday, November 19, 2012

14-19 PLUS a bonus "white girl rage"

Just so you know, I keep a log in my phone of what I'm thankful for daily, I just don't make it to the computer daily. 

So, here is your weekly update.

Day 14: Thankful for my father.
We may not have the closest relationship or always had the best relationship, but I'm thankful for the man that has always been there for me. He's never been shy to tell me he's proud of me and proud of everything I've done. I know that no matter what happens in life, I can turn to my Dad for advice and for a listening ear, and I'm thankful to have my Dad by my side.

Day 15: Thankful for my father-in-law.
My father-in-law is one person that never ceases to amaze me. He is someone that everyone could take a lesson from. No matter what happens, he is always there for his family, and will do whatever is needed to help someone out. He has helped us far beyond repayment and I'm so thankful to be able to call him my father-in-law

Day 16: Thankful for my step mom.
What to say about this woman that came into my life almost 5 years ago. My step-mom and I have this special bond, one that has not replaced my own mother and I's, but is one that cannot be replaced itself. I love this woman more than she probably knows, and am so thankful to have her. She makes my father happier than I've ever seen him, and makes my family life feel complete. She goes above and beyond for my family and I can never thank her enough for everything she has done. 

Day 17: Thankful for all of my siblings.
For those of you who don't know, I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers (1 step sister, 1 biological sister, 1 half brother, and 1 brother-in-law) and I am smack dab in the middle of all of them. While my little brother can't do much now, he always puts a smile on my face and is a great uncle already. My sister and I have had our ups and downs, but we both know that we will always be there for each other no matter what. My step-sister in a force to be reckoned with. Quick to defend (and possibly kill) anyone that hurts me or anyone in my family, she is one person that I know will always be there and support any decision I make. I couldn't be more thankful that she was the bonus package that came with my step-mom. My brother-in-law, well, I've always viewed him as my brother, ever since Dean and I got together. He's a great guy, one that I'm thankful for always. He (sometimes) keeps my husband out of trouble and is a great uncle to our son, whether he realizes it or not.

Day 18: Thankful for my birthing experience.
I read this blog daily. And after reading her struggle to come to terms with the delivery of her second child, and all the women of the world that struggle with the same thing, it makes me take a step back and be thankful for the birthing experience I had with Baby Dean. I didn't think I had such a great experience, and while it definitely could have been better, I'm thankful for what I did have. Too many woman want more than anything to experience a natural childbirth, experience what our bodies were made to do, and never get the chance to. I took it for granted, but I won't anymore, and I won't with any future children we have too. 

Day 19: Thankful for my husband's job.
I will admit, I am one that is quick to complain about my husband's job. It keeps him away from us for days at a time, I go to bed without him constantly, and it puts stress on him that's unreal. BUT. I'm thankful for it. He truly loves his job (except for the months of October-December) and it provides for my family, and allows me to be a stay-at-home Mom and raise our son. His job is stable, reliable, and one that too many people in America today would gladly take.


Wal-Mart employees protesting.

This DISGUSTS me. 

Claiming they want their minimum wage raised to $13 an hour?!
They want respect.
They don't want to work Black Friday or other holidays?!

Uhm hey, how about our military personnel, fire fighters, police officers, and all the millions of others that have no choice but to work on holidays?
Do you think they could protest this?

We all want to make more, but guess what. YOU WORK AT WAL-MART.
You want to make more? Go to college, get a higher paying job. 
Tell the over 8% of Americans that don't have a job that you want to make more money. 
Because I'm PRETTY sure they'd love to switch places and make $8 an hour rather than nothing.

Wal-Mart has a great system in place that allows its employees to freely go to their managers and discuss issues they're having. Respect in the workplace is one that they can talk to someone about. That manager doesn't do anything? Go to the next higher up manager until something IS done. 

People think Wal-Mart is some big bad company but they don't know how much good they do. 
Has anyone made mention of the fact that Wal-Mart has allowed victims of Hurricane Sandy to not pay on their credit card until they can? They are working with these people to help them, but no one makes mention of it. No one makes mention of the millions of dollars the company raises and donates yearly to the Children's Miracle Network. No one makes mention of the fact that Wal-Mart continues to hire when other companies cannot. 

I'm not saying this because of my husband or because I use to work for the company, or because I know TONS of people that worked and continue to work for the company. 

I'm saying it for the soldier that won't get to see his family for thanksgiving OR christmas OR new years.
For the fire fighter that has to miss his anniversary dinner because he got caught up on a call.
For the police officer that fears daily he will never see his kids again. 

Be Thankful for your jobs people. 

Because YOU could be a lot worse off.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13. Oh AND I have a SIX MONTH OLD! WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?!

I'm not gonna lie, it's getting more and more difficult to list what I'm thankful for. 

I mean, I'm thankful for everything and everyone in my life, so I guess it's the pin-pointing of what I'm thankful for is what's getting difficult.

Ok, let's continue.

Day 8: Thankful for new recipes.

This one is kinda dumb, but hear me out. 
On this day, I tried a new recipe I saw on TV and my loving husband was so amazing he actually ate his portion and then politely told me afterward not to make it again.
We have this little agreement that he eats anything once, and then honestly tells me if it's good enough to make again. He has a very simple taste palate. He'd prefer frozen fish sticks over homemade lasagna any day.
So this was a recipe for bacon wrapped meatloaf, and even though I'm not to make it again, it wasn't "SO terrible" AND it was the first time I made meatloaf on my own.

Day 9: Thankful for my Mother-in-law

I'm very thankful that I have a mother-in-law that I get along with, and talk to on a daily basis.
I'm thankful that she's there to help Dean and I when we need it, and cares so much about us and Baby Dean. She's always pulled me into the kitchen to watch her make meals the way she does so I can replicate on my own, and always lends an ear when things get rough.

Day 10: Thankful for my Mom

On Saturday, Baby Dean and I went to visit my Mom and we had a great time.
We always have a great time when we visit and it's unfortunate that we don't get to visit more.
I'm thankful for everything my Mom has taught me, and how she raised me to be so self sufficient.
The one thing my Mom raised me to be was (and this sounds bad) but low maintenance.
I'm not someone that needs lots and lots of fancy things. I don't need to be going out and shopping or doing things or spending money constantly. And I got that from my Mom.
She taught me to craft and cook and bake and make due with what you have.
And I love her for that.

Day 11: Thankful for all the Veterans

I'm thankful that there is a day dedicated to the men and women that have fought for our freedom.
The freedom to file a petition to secede from the United States (Don't EVEN get me started on the ignorance of this BUT, we have that freedom).
My brother-in-law and may as well be other brother-in-law are both marines, and several members of my family were in the armed forces, and I know the sacrifices they make, all for millions of people they've never met.
I will forever be thankful for all veterans.

Day 12: Thankful for my Little Boy

Which better day to be thankful for my son than on his SIX MONTH birthday.
Half a year. Can't believe it. Time is definitely going too fast.
I never believed in love at first sight until I had him.
He doesn't judge me for not getting out of my PJs for an entire day, and thinks I'm wonderful no matter what I do or say or look like.
He makes me smile just by looking at me, and is honestly the greatest thing that has ever happened in my life.

Day 13: Thankful for crockpots

Seriously. Who isn't?
I put dinner in the crockpot at 9 am this morning and it was ready at 5, no maintenance needed.
Crockpots are one of the greatest things man has ever invented.

Ok, now as if this wasn't long enough. Now. Time to do a monthly update.

At six months, we LOVE eating solid food, which isn't really solid, it's pureed solid food. We eat twice a day, and is usually a bowl of cereal and either a vegetable or fruit. We've gotten through all the store bought veggies, so now we are working on fruits. We started bananas today and surprisingly were just as interested in them as we were in peas and green beans.
We LOVE to crawl around, and have even started following Mom when she leaves the room.
We nap twice a day, for about two hours each nap.
Little kids and toy commercials are quick to grab our attention, and we cannot get enough tickles.

Current dislikes are being left alone in a room for too long, and still getting our diaper changed.

For more current pictures:

This is what happens when I put him down to change a diaper... (no worries, I disinfect this bad boy constantly)

And something cute:

Little does he know, this is only acceptable for a short while longer.

Wish we could all sit around in our diapers and point to our privates in a confused manner.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Don't hate me because I'm busy. Too busy to blog daily. Which may also mean I'm lazy. or Busy. or Lazy. You choose.

So, I know I said I'd try really really hard to post daily what I'm thankful for.

And I did well for two days!

But, I have an almost 6 month old that has recently decided not to go to bed until 10 every night, and wouldn't you know, that by the time I get him to bed at 10, I'm exhausted myself, so I go to bed too.

So here's my catching up on my daily thankfulness.

Day 3: Thankful for the time change. 

Because of the time change, and my cleverness of closing Baby Dean's blinds and curtains when I put him to bed, I got to sleep in until 9!!!!

It was the last time I'll probably ever get to, but it was still pretty amazing.

Day 4: Thankful for Sunday Family Traditions.

Now, this past Sunday, Baby Dean and I spent alone together, BUT we watched movies and football all day together. Just before Dean got up to go to work, Baby Dean and I made spaghetti dinner for myself and to send to work with Dean. While we cooked dinner, it made me think about the future and how this could become a tradition. My own Sunday Family Tradition, of football and spaghetti. How my kids will look back and remember with fondness that even in the craziness of life, we always took time on Sundays to watch football and eat spaghetti together. 

It may or may not happen, but the thought of making family traditions makes me super excited.

Day 5: Thankful for our Kinderpraise class.

Baby Dean and I signed up and started a "Mommy and Me" type class called Kinderpraise back in September. We meet once a week and sing christian based songs, play with instruments, and enjoy the company of other babies and Mommies. This week was especially fun because Baby Dean was actually playing with the instruments, and we have finally gotten into our groove and are able to be comfortable with the other moms and babies. It's just nice to know there are programs that I can involve my son in at such a young age, that introduce him and get him acquainted to the praise and Glory of God. 

Day 6: Thankful for the Democratic process.

Before I continue, Please know that the candidate I voted for did NOT win. I was disappointed, HOWEVER! I know that complaining about it is not going to change who our President will be for the next four years. I will continue to pray for our leaders that they can make the right decisions for our country. I know that I could never do their job, and there is a reason Presidents start their term looking 40, and come out looking 80. I am thankful though, that we live in a country that we elect our leaders. That we have a say in who governs us. That we CAN complain about the decisions they make. That we CAN have differing opinions. Millions of people in the world wish they had the luxury we do of choosing their government, so yes. I am thankful for the democratic process.

Day 7: Today I'm thankful for Pay Day.

How incredibly superficial does that sound? But, it's the truth. I know that it's not my pay day, it's Dean's, but without pay day, we wouldn't be able to pay bills, or fill our fridge with groceries. When it comes down to it, and you have that week where you stretch a dollar in every way you can, you are most certainly thankful for pay day. 

Ok, I'm all caught up!

In case you missed this from Sunday:


I'll try to keep up again daily, but like I said, no promises.

What're you thankful for today?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2

Day 2 of being Thankful for things, and I decided I'm just gonna get this one out of the way early on. No point in making him wait it out!

DAY 2: I'm thankful for my husband

Night in and night out he goes to work and works his tail off to provide for his family. 

He gives and gives to people, and asks nothing in return.

He doesn't think twice about spending his last dollar to help someone else out.

He loves his son more than anything in the world.

He gives me more than I could ever ask for, and still doesn't think that it's enough. 

He loves his family, and mine and loves spending time with both of them.

Everyday I thank God for bringing him into my life almost 6 years ago. I truly don't know where I'd be had I not met him. 

I love you babe! Always & Forever.

Photo Credit: Jadon Good Photography

What're you thankful for today?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 Days of being Thankful AND Halloween

A wonderful friend of mine put on Facebook today that everyday, for the entire month of November, she's going to put up something she's thankful for. After politely telling her I was stealing her idea, I took to my blog homepage. 

And here I sit, trying to decide how to start off the month. I have no doubt I'll figure out 30 things to be thankful for, but the difficulty is which to start with. Isn't that always the problem? Where to start? 

After careful consideration, I decided it's not who or what I mention in what order, but the fact that I'll mention them in their entirety. 

I figured, every night when I say my prayers, I start off with thanking God for the roof over my head, so I'll start there.

DAY 1: I am so incredibly thankful for my home.
Never in a million years would I ever think that I would own my own home with my husband at the age of 22, but we do, and are so blessed to.
It may not be in the location we would first pick, but we're getting use to the area, and the things around us.
And it really doesn't matter where it is, or how big it is, but what happens inside it.

The laughs and the stories and the memories we are creating in this home are ours and will forever hold a place in our hearts. 

A home is where the love is, and boy is there a lot of love in this place!

Photo Credit: Karen Leigh Studios

Also, last night was Halloween, and we ended up going with Plan C! for Baby Dean because the hubs and I are terrible parents and waited until the day before Halloween to try and find him a costume. 
(Plan C was find anything that was cute and would fit him.)

So, introducing the CUTEST Moo Cow in town:

We walked from my in-laws house down to my aunt's and came back. Only stopping at a few places for candy, and awkwardly walking by the rest.

Common' people he's not even 6 months, he can't eat candy, and the hubs isn't a fan of sweets and I'm still working on getting rid of my baby weight, we are NOT stopping for candy.

The night went well, Baby Dean only started to get fussy as we were just about back to my in-laws, and I think that was only because his face was cold AND it was his dinner time. 

He didn't mind the costume, and he was so stinkin' cute, I found it money well spent. 

We can't wait until next year he'll be a year and a half and may actually say "Trick or Treat" or "Thank You" or even half understand what we're doing. 

I love being a Mom. 
Is that so weird?

Ok, So I'm going to be VERY determined to post daily. 

What're you thankful for today?