Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Don't hate me because I'm busy. Too busy to blog daily. Which may also mean I'm lazy. or Busy. or Lazy. You choose.

So, I know I said I'd try really really hard to post daily what I'm thankful for.

And I did well for two days!

But, I have an almost 6 month old that has recently decided not to go to bed until 10 every night, and wouldn't you know, that by the time I get him to bed at 10, I'm exhausted myself, so I go to bed too.

So here's my catching up on my daily thankfulness.

Day 3: Thankful for the time change. 

Because of the time change, and my cleverness of closing Baby Dean's blinds and curtains when I put him to bed, I got to sleep in until 9!!!!

It was the last time I'll probably ever get to, but it was still pretty amazing.

Day 4: Thankful for Sunday Family Traditions.

Now, this past Sunday, Baby Dean and I spent alone together, BUT we watched movies and football all day together. Just before Dean got up to go to work, Baby Dean and I made spaghetti dinner for myself and to send to work with Dean. While we cooked dinner, it made me think about the future and how this could become a tradition. My own Sunday Family Tradition, of football and spaghetti. How my kids will look back and remember with fondness that even in the craziness of life, we always took time on Sundays to watch football and eat spaghetti together. 

It may or may not happen, but the thought of making family traditions makes me super excited.

Day 5: Thankful for our Kinderpraise class.

Baby Dean and I signed up and started a "Mommy and Me" type class called Kinderpraise back in September. We meet once a week and sing christian based songs, play with instruments, and enjoy the company of other babies and Mommies. This week was especially fun because Baby Dean was actually playing with the instruments, and we have finally gotten into our groove and are able to be comfortable with the other moms and babies. It's just nice to know there are programs that I can involve my son in at such a young age, that introduce him and get him acquainted to the praise and Glory of God. 

Day 6: Thankful for the Democratic process.

Before I continue, Please know that the candidate I voted for did NOT win. I was disappointed, HOWEVER! I know that complaining about it is not going to change who our President will be for the next four years. I will continue to pray for our leaders that they can make the right decisions for our country. I know that I could never do their job, and there is a reason Presidents start their term looking 40, and come out looking 80. I am thankful though, that we live in a country that we elect our leaders. That we have a say in who governs us. That we CAN complain about the decisions they make. That we CAN have differing opinions. Millions of people in the world wish they had the luxury we do of choosing their government, so yes. I am thankful for the democratic process.

Day 7: Today I'm thankful for Pay Day.

How incredibly superficial does that sound? But, it's the truth. I know that it's not my pay day, it's Dean's, but without pay day, we wouldn't be able to pay bills, or fill our fridge with groceries. When it comes down to it, and you have that week where you stretch a dollar in every way you can, you are most certainly thankful for pay day. 

Ok, I'm all caught up!

In case you missed this from Sunday:


I'll try to keep up again daily, but like I said, no promises.

What're you thankful for today?

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