Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Countdown to Lift Off

So, apparently today, some dude is jumping from space. Weird.

Who grows up and says, "One day, I want to risk my life by jumping from space just for the hell of it."

Apparently, this guy:

At least he's good looking.

For those that don't know we are about to take our first family vacation, to Tennessee. For 4 days. 

Not just the three of us, but also my in-laws and brother-in-law and his girlfriend.

And we're driving all in the same vehicle.

Now. I am excited beyond words.


HOWEVER. This is the first time we're taking our baby away from home for more than one evening. And in a car for more than 4-5 hours. So needless to say, my anxiety level is like a level red. And red always means bad. I don't know why, but it does.

So I've created lists. And I have lists for my lists. And lists for my lists for my lists. 

My countdown to lift off is on now too.

Pray for me as I pack the entire nursery. 

What? I was a girl scout! You can never be too prepared! ;)

***APPARENTLY the wind was all, NO WAY MAN! You aren't doing some crazy ass jump today! So Felix Baumgartner is going to try again tomorrow...***

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