Monday, October 1, 2012

Let's Get a Few Things Straight

**Please note that I wrote this a long time ago, but have neglected posting it, until I had it worded just right so as not to offend anyone. Shout out to my mother-in-law for assisting me in this difficult task.**

Well. The babes has learned to roll from back to tummy now, and he is officially mobile. 

Watching him roll from one end of the room to the other gets pretty ridiculously hilarious. 
But he's cute, and he's mine, and I love him.


Let's get a few things straight. 

Society has put such a negative connotation on stay-at-home Moms that often times women feel ashamed that they are doing so.

I know that I personally have this insecurity that I am not contributing to our home enough, because my contributions to our family are not financial. 

This is what God has called on me to do. This is my role.

I've known for a very long time, before I even met Dean, that this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to be able to stay home and raise our children, and if I was blessed enough to do so, I would be thrilled. 

And. I. Am.

Now, I understand not everyone can do this. I find working Mom's inspirational. The mom's that work 40 hours a week, and then come home and cook and clean up dinner, and bathe their children and put them to bed, and clean the house and do the laundry...

They AMAZE me.

If my life takes me on a different path in the future, I'm sure I could be a working Mom too but my goals will still be the same and I am committed to them, my family will come first. Because of these goals, they will be raised with the morals and values that the hubs and I have:

God comes first. Family is forever. Respect your elders. Use your manners everywhere you go. Have the confidence in yourself that I have in you. Learn to be independent, proud and love yourself before looking for love in someone else. Materialistic things will get you no where in life. Be happy with what you have. Be present in each moment. Appreciate everything you have been blessed with. Treat others the way you want to be treated

So telling a stay-at-home Mom that she does nothing but sit on her butt and watch TV all day is not only hurtful, it's like telling her she doesn't care about her family, or herself.

Telling a working Mom that she should be home with her children and not working is not only hurtful, it's like telling her she doesn't care about her family, or herself. 

What right does anyone have to judge me or anyone else or decide what their role should be in their own family unit? 

"Women are a precious gift from God to the world. They are creative, sensitive, compassionate, intelligent, talented, and according to the Bible, equal to men. God created man first - but quickly discovered he needed a helper. Not a slave, but a helper. He created a woman from one of Adam's ribs and called her Eve. Note that Eve was taken from Adam's side - from something close to his heart - not the bottom of his feet. Women were never intended to be walked on, disrespected, bullied, or belittled. Eve was created because Adam needed her. It's the same today; men need women, and they need them to be more than a cook, housekeeper, sex partner, or baby making machine." -Joyce Meyer

Think before you speak.

Be kind to one another. 

Your children are watching, be their example!

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