Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 Days of being Thankful AND Halloween

A wonderful friend of mine put on Facebook today that everyday, for the entire month of November, she's going to put up something she's thankful for. After politely telling her I was stealing her idea, I took to my blog homepage. 

And here I sit, trying to decide how to start off the month. I have no doubt I'll figure out 30 things to be thankful for, but the difficulty is which to start with. Isn't that always the problem? Where to start? 

After careful consideration, I decided it's not who or what I mention in what order, but the fact that I'll mention them in their entirety. 

I figured, every night when I say my prayers, I start off with thanking God for the roof over my head, so I'll start there.

DAY 1: I am so incredibly thankful for my home.
Never in a million years would I ever think that I would own my own home with my husband at the age of 22, but we do, and are so blessed to.
It may not be in the location we would first pick, but we're getting use to the area, and the things around us.
And it really doesn't matter where it is, or how big it is, but what happens inside it.

The laughs and the stories and the memories we are creating in this home are ours and will forever hold a place in our hearts. 

A home is where the love is, and boy is there a lot of love in this place!

Photo Credit: Karen Leigh Studios

Also, last night was Halloween, and we ended up going with Plan C! for Baby Dean because the hubs and I are terrible parents and waited until the day before Halloween to try and find him a costume. 
(Plan C was find anything that was cute and would fit him.)

So, introducing the CUTEST Moo Cow in town:

We walked from my in-laws house down to my aunt's and came back. Only stopping at a few places for candy, and awkwardly walking by the rest.

Common' people he's not even 6 months, he can't eat candy, and the hubs isn't a fan of sweets and I'm still working on getting rid of my baby weight, we are NOT stopping for candy.

The night went well, Baby Dean only started to get fussy as we were just about back to my in-laws, and I think that was only because his face was cold AND it was his dinner time. 

He didn't mind the costume, and he was so stinkin' cute, I found it money well spent. 

We can't wait until next year he'll be a year and a half and may actually say "Trick or Treat" or "Thank You" or even half understand what we're doing. 

I love being a Mom. 
Is that so weird?

Ok, So I'm going to be VERY determined to post daily. 

What're you thankful for today?

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