Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cats, Birds, a Nurse and 32 weeks Pregnant

My evening looked like this:

Just a girl, some laundry and her cats. They get annoyed with me when Dean's at work because they're all I have to talk to, so this is their way of not being rude. Sleeping, so I don't talk, but still being with me so I'm not lonely. 

Moving on and away from crazy cat lady status.

Have you ever wanted to reach out your window and shoot innocent birds?

I have.

I wasn't able to fall asleep last night until around 3 am, so when I had a pair of birds chirping back and forth to each other right outside my window at 6 am, I was not a happy camper. I was seriously debating getting the BB gun.

But I didn't.

Because I'm a good person.

We had our doctor appointment this morning, or Baby Check-Up as I like to call them.

It started as normal, pee in a cup, get weighed, get my blood pressure taken, Nurse asks me some questions... only I think she got woken up by rude birds this morning too. Our conversation kind of went like this (keep in mind it was 9 am) :

Nurse: You feel him moving?

Me: Well, not so much today yet. 

N: *Heavy sigh* Have you eaten?

M: No, not yet...

N:*Heavier sigh* When's the last time you ate?

M: 3 am... I had a glass of pink lemonade when I got up though

N: *In a sort of yelling at me scolding way* That's a long time to go without eating. You need to eat, or drink a glass of orange juice or something sugary, get the baby up and moving. You're at the point in pregnancy now that we worry if you don't feel him moving constantly. 

So in the back of my head, I'm thinking "3am to 9am is 6 hours and that's a long time to go without eating?"
Bitch no wonder you could stand to lose a few pounds.  

But of course I didn't say that. 

I smiled my happy pregnant girl smiled and said okay! and she left. 

Good. I didn't like you anyway. 

Then the midwife came in and we found out I gained 2 pounds in two weeks (Still only up 22 lbs for my entire pregnancy thus far!)
and I'm measuring 36 weeks pregnant, when I should only be measuring 32 weeks. Not quite sure what this means. 

Before even asking, the midwife told me she was going to determine his position, just by feeling me.
After about two minutes of poking and prodding and squeezing she looked pretty confused and said she was going to send me for an ultrasound because she wasn't exactly sure which way he was positioned.

So now I'm thinking my kid has like a head on each end or something, because usually they can tell these things easily, but they can't with me.

BUT! That means I get an ultrasound in two weeks!! and I'll get to see my little man, how big he is, what position he's in and I'm going to ask the tech to see his fingers and toes, and make sure he's healthy.

Because Moms do stuff like that.

We have our second of five prenatal birthing classes tonight (or lamaze classes as I like to call them), so that should be two hours of fun. 

A Baby Story is on again. I think I'll allow myself to watch.

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