Monday, April 16, 2012

This is me just whining a lot. Pretty much a waste of a post...

Seriously. Don't read this.

Last warning.

I've been a stay-at-home wife for a week now. I have successfully grocery shopped twice, packed Dean's lunch for work all four days, scrubbed the fridge and microwave, cleaned the laundry room, organized the linen closet in the hall outside our room, and probably eaten more food than I should have.

So, in other words, it's been a somewhat productive few days. 

I still need to work on packing our hospital bag, and writing Thank You notes for the girls at work. 

It definitely stinks feeling like a waste. I'm starting to regret stopping working, because all I can focus on is how long I have until I'm holding my Baby Boy. Time is passing so slow, and too many people remind me almost daily how slow it is going... and what stinks is there is NOTHING I can do about it. 

I keep giving myself little assignments to do daily, so I have something to look forward to doing and accomplishing, but my energy recently has been shot. So I end up sleeping all day, and then feeling like even MORE of a waste because I didn't do anything!

Tomorrow I get to visit a friend, and her newborn baby girl. It's Dean's first of four days off, so he'll be sleeping while I'm gone, and then I have company for four days! 

I know. I'm a loser. 

And I whine a lot. 

And this post was a waste. 

I told you not to read it.


  1. Def not a waste doll! I felt that way often when I was pregnant and not working. Hell, I feel that way even now! Being a stay at home is amazing and I wouldnt trade it for the world, but its boring. I wish I was working. :( Complain away! we have all been there!

    1. :-) Thanks! That really does make me feel better knowing that I'm not alone! As terrible as that sounds?

      It's definitely just frustrating sometimes, and I'm sure you know all about it, and all about parts I can't even think of yet!
