Saturday, April 28, 2012

39 Weeks!! and STILL pregnant...

So, I know I should've updated on Thursday after I had my appointment, but I got lazy.

My bad.

This appointment though was more or less a waste of time. 
Peed in a cup
Got weighed
Blood pressure taken
Heard baby's heartbeat
Sent on my marry little way. 

The results?
I had no protein in my pee...
Gained approximately 3 pounds...
Blood Pressure still very good...
Baby's Heartbeat still good and strong...
Appointment for 40 weeks set. 

Not much has happened since my last post though, which is getting me even MORE anxious. I've had some mild/moderate contractions this weekend, but nothing regular or strong enough to put me in the hospital. But because of said contractions, I'm going to have to miss the wedding of my very good friend tomorrow. I'd rather be safe than sorry, and I would be mortified if I was there and my water broke or something and any amount of attention was put on anyone/anything besides my good friend. Everyone deserves their special day with no attention taken away from them. 

So, I asked and have decided that if I make it to my next appointment (which is Friday) I'm going to have them strip my membranes. Typically that will send preggos into labor within a few hours or a few days. In the meantime, I'm doing everything I possibly can to go into labor naturally. Spicy foods, walking, squatting, "marinating" as my very good friend so amusingly put it... sorry Mom! 

So that's about it! I'm hoping I can update again before 40 weeks to say I'm in labor and again to say I've given birth. Keep your fingers crossed for me. 

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